
TZM0756 is designed with modularized structure which is based on the bilateral parallel light path.with excellent optical performance. The TZM0756 can be used in the fields of machine vision, industrial inspection and scientific research. T(ZM0756_en Manual)

TZM0756 MZO can be combined with Camera Module (optional) to form a digital monocular zoom microscope.

  • Provide basic zoom objective W100-TZM0756-TV100 with 0.7X~5.6X zoom range
  • Large optical zoom ratio: 8X
  • Larger NAO: 0.018-0.092 (When using 1x Auxiliary Lens)
  • Higher resolution: 18.6um-3.65um (When using 1x Auxiliary Lens)
  • Larger field of view: 0.99mm-31.74mm(Object plane)
  • Larger sensor size: 2/3 Inch (When using 1x TV Lens)
  • Working distance: 37.5mm-160mm
  • Parfocal in zoom range
  • Compatible with infinity objectives (both biological and metallographic)

Related Models

Order Number Meaning TZM0756 Postfix meaning
TZM0756 Ordinary Middle Zoom Module

ZM :Zoom

0756 :0.7X~5.6X

TZM0756T Middle Zoom Module with back focus trimmable(adjustable) function T :Trim
TZM0756D Middle Zoom Module with detent to fix the magnification function D :Detent
TZM0756TD Middle Zoom Module with back focus trimmable and magnification detent functions TD :Trim & Detent

Other Modules

Auxiliary Lens

Order number Magnification Working distance(mm) Field of View in the object side(TV050,1/3"sensor)
Lower Higher
W050 0.5X 160 34.28mm 4.28mm
W075 0.75X 105 20.81mm 2.86mm
W100 1.00X 80 17.14mm 2.14mm
W150 1.50X 51.5 11.43mm 1.43mm
W200 2.00X 37.5 8.57mm 1.07mm
Auxiliary Lens

TV Lens

Order number The maximum compatible sensor size
TV050 1/3"
TV075 1/1.8"
TV100 2/3"
TV150 1"
TV200 4/3"
TV Lens

The Configuration of TZM0756 MZO with Five Modules


Bracket Adapter

Bracket Adapter

Optional Module

The Optional Modules include LED Direct Ring Light Module (including LED Direct Ring Light Module and LED Direct Ring Polarization Light Module) and Coaxial Light Module (composed of Coaxial Light Adapter and LED Spot Light). The currently possible samples are shown in Table.

Module Order Number Description
LED Direct Ring Light Module TZM0756DRL-65,TZM0756DRL-85 LED Direct Ring Light
TZM0756DRPL-65 LED Direct Ring Polarization Light
Coaxial Light Module TZM0756CL + TZM0756SL Coaxial Light Adapter + LED Spot Light
Transmissive Light Module TZM0756TL LED Transmissive Light
Power of light source 40600014 US:POWER-U-12V1A(Power Adapter American Standard)
40600015 DE: POWER-E-12V1A(Power Adapter European standard)


The optical Specifications of TZM0756 series MZO with different Auxiliary Lens and TV Lens are shown in Table. Auxiliary Lens and TV Lens with 1.00x are listed in the left-up cell. Its data is the basis of the other parameters in the whole table.

Auxilary Lens Specifications TV Lens
Lower Higher Lower Higher Lower Higher Lower Higher Lower Higher
(80mm WD)
PMAG 0.70X-5.60X 0.35X-2.80X 0.525X-4.20X 1.05X-8.40X 1.40X-11.20X
DFOV(mm) 15.71 1.96 17.14 2.14 17.02 2.13 15.24 1.9 16.07 2.01
NAO 0.018 0.092 0.018 0.092 0.018 0.092 0.018 0.092 0.018 0.092
(160mm WD)
PMAG 0.35X-2.80X 0.18X-1.40X 0.263X-2.10X 0.525X-4.20X 0.70X-5.60X
DFOV(mm) 31.43 3.93 34.28 4.28 33.97 4.25 30.48 3.81 32.14 4.02
NAO 0.009 0.046 0.009 0.046 0.009 0.046 0.009 0.046 0.009 0.046
(105mm WD)
PMAG 0.53X-4.20X 0.263X-2.10X 0.394X-3.15X 0.79X-6.30X 1.05X-8.40X
DFOV(mm) 20.99 2.61 20.81 2.86 22.67 2.84 20.25 2.54 21.43 2.68
NAO 0.013 0.069 0.013 0.069 0.013 0.069 0.013 0.069 0.013 0.069
(51.5mm WD)
PMAG 1.05X-8.40X 0.525X-4.20X 0.788X-6.30X 1.58X-12.60X 2.10X-16.80X
DFOV(mm) 10.46 1.31 11.43 1.43 11.34 1.42 10.13 1.27 10.71 1.34
NAO 0.026 0.138 0.026 0.138 0.026 0.138 0.026 0.138 0.026 0.138
(37.5mm WD)
PMAG 1.40X-11.20X 0.70X-5.60X 1.05X-8.40X 2.10X-16.80X 2.80X-22.40X
DFOV(mm) 7.9 1 8.57 1.07 8.51 1.06 7.62 0.95 8.04 1
NAO 0.035 0.182 0.035 0.182 0.035 0.182 0.035 0.182 0.035 0.182

When using coaxial lighting, low magnification may produce vignetting.

When using infinity objectives as Auxiliary Lens Module (adapter available), the PMAG、FOV and NAO of the TZM0756 depends on the parameters of the objectives.

WD: Working Distance;
PMAG: Primary Magnification;
FOV: Field of View in the object side;
NA: Numerical Aperture;
Note: Infinity corrected objectives limit system's usable zoom range due to uneven illumination.
The maximum sensor size is 2/3".

The Dimension of TZM0756 MZO with Different Light Module

Dimensions of TZM0756-W100-TV100-A50 with different light module a) TZM0756-W100-TV100-A50 without light module; b) TZM0756-W100-TV100-A50 equipped with Direct Ring Light, c) TZM0756-W100-TV100-A50 equipped with Coaxial Light)

Packing List

The TZM0756 Main Body, including Auxiliary Lens Module, Middle Zoom Module, TV Lens, Camera Adapter Tube and Bracket Adapter
TZM0756DRL-65/85, including LED Direct Ring Light and Power Adapter

TZM0756DRPL-65, including LED Direct Ring Polarization Light and Ph6ower Adapter

TZM0756 Coaxial Light Module, including TZM0756CL (Coaxial Light Adapter), TZM0756SL (LED Spot Light) and Power Adapter